
Hopefully, through this website people can recreate the steps I took to be able to properly setup an Owncloud instance on an OpenBSD server hosted with Vultr. Specifically, I chose the New Jersey server site so that I could use their free 50 Gb of blcok storage. But this wasn't how I had it setup at the beginning as they did not have this offered at the beginning. So, if this is your case then hopefully this will help. I will not be showing how to do this the best way possible knowing what I know now. This will be migrating a server over to another using the Vultr dashboard, mounting and formatting the block storage, copying /var over, editing fstab, etc.

Where do we begin?

First, hopefully if you already have an OpenBSD server on Vultr you chose to do a custom install as their point and click option doesn't have the default installer's partition scheme which separates /var as a separate partition. This allows for easier migration from the original /var to the now attached block storage. It also allows for better security as even if someone were to break into your system it is contained to a separate chrooted parition.

Let's take it through what I did.

I originally already had an OpenBSD instance running in Chicago. In order to get it setup in New Jersey I had to create a new VPS in New Jersey. Thankfully through the Vultr Dashboard I could migrate/copy the original VPS over to the new VPS.

Now that I have my VPS copied over to New Jersey I can attach the free 50 Gb of block storage to the New Jersey server. Once this is completed, restart the server and login (either through the virtual console or ssh) to ensure that everything is still functional. Once you have rebooted and logged in you can run

$ sysctl hw.disknames

to see what disks are attached to your instance. In this case you probably see the cd0, sd0 (the original disk), sd1 (there's our attached storage), and fd0. Now that we've identified that we have our block storage attached we can format the disk. This is done using three different commands. First, fdisk -iy sd1 will initialize and do a default MBR partition scheme. Secondly, we are goind to use disklabel -E sd1 in order to edit the partition scheme and setup sd1c as a BSD parition. Now we have a properly setup and labeled. Now we can copy over the /var data to this new disk parition and set it up as /var in fstab.

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